
This module is used to control the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor driver. Tested with:

  • L298

It’ll probably work with similar components. If you test it a component not listed here, please add a comment in my blog, open a pull request or edit this file to share if it’s working or if you are getting some error.

Simple Example

Include the library

#include "Motor.h"

Create a new Motor object. Set the PIN values as parameters, in this sequence: IN1, IN2, ENA, IN3, IN3, ENB

Motor *m = new Motor(6, 7, 5, 8, 9, 11);

Now you can use any method on void loop()


Full example

#include "Motor.h"

Motor *m = new Motor(6, 7, 5, 8, 9, 11);

void setup(){
        m->setSpeed(200); //value from 0 to 255


void loop(){


Motor(byte m1_a, byte m1_b, byte m1_pwm, byte m2_a, byte m2_b, byte m2_pwm); - Create the Motor with IN1, IN2, ENA, IN3, IN3, ENB

void setPINs(byte m1_a, byte m1_b, byte m1_pwm, byte m2_a, byte m2_b, byte m2_pwm); - Set IN1, IN2, ENA, IN3, IN3, ENB values

void setSpeed(byte v); - Set the speed of both motors. Value from 0 to 255

void setMotorSpeed1(byte v); - Set the speed of motor 1. Value from 0 to 255

void setMotorSpeed2(byte v); - Set the speed of motor 2. Value from 0 to 255

void goFront(); - Go front

void goRight(); - Go right, activating one wheel

void goRightStrong(); - Go right, activating both wheels

void goLeft(); - Go left, activating one wheel

void goLeftStrong(); - Go left, activating both wheels

void goBack(); - Go back

void goStop(); - Stop the movement